"Nothing happens until somebody sells something!"

He may have been referencing great car salesmen like E. L. Cord who founded Cord Corporation at the height of the Great Depression of 1929. Fearlessly, Cord set an example for the nation by earning his own personal prosperity in compliance with the current business laws and subsequently under the laws of FDR's New Deal, seven-years later.

Automobile sales led on the road to economic recovery during the 1980 recession where we lost about 11,000 dealerships... Again in the early '90's after the collapse of the Savings & Loans Industry, auto sales led the way to economic recovery. Yet again, auto sales provided the revenue for American's to survive and succeed after the Dot Com Bubble Crash in the late 90's. We're not over 911 yet; The fact is America has never revived thrived, or survived without a substantial volume of automobile sales.

This text is totally under construction and to be copied over to all sites before new promotions.

Support Your Local Car Dealer. Why do car salespeople consistently lead the way in business throughout history when we are not known as great humanitarians or entrepreneurs by common definition? The reasons are made clear in a NADA report to USDOC titled "Automotive Retailing: Driving the US Economy."

Do the math: American car buyers trade about $1,730,000,000,000.00 worth of metal during a normal year - not counting service, repair, gas, insurance, parts or anything else. That's about 3.73 times more money than Americans normally spend buying real estate each year. That is 2.

Break it down: The Auto Sales & Leasing Industry trades about $2.25 billion per day; over $93.6 million per hour; and over $1.56 million per minute - in a normal economy. These amounts are derived from government statistics and calculated on a 24-hour day by 365-day year to be conservative. Can you imagine the numbers if we recalculate using real ding-to-dong sales hours times your 222-day work year?

Think about it: All car sales, even private party sales, are (sales) taxed, while house sales are not. Using a conservative average sales tax rate of 8%, some lucky municipality earns $124,809.00 in ad valorem tax from legal auto trades in the time it takes you to tie your shoes - night or day. We the American people need that tax revenue to run our governments and provide law enforcement, provide equal protection of law, civil rights, health care... everything all the way down to garbage removal and safe drinking water.

This ongoing financial crisis is quite different and much deeper than any other in history. Therefore, the solution must be different and pure, but according to history - still rooted in the Auto Sales & Leasing Industry.

There's no guarantee this recession will end. Seems to be getting a lot worse now that the stimuli have ended. We have new technology and modern laws to help fight contemporary and future economic problems. What we don't have is a lot of time. You can standby for someone else to come up with a solution, or like E. L. Cord, concern yourself with your own personal recovery to lead the the rest of the country out of this recession.